Built for organizations just like yours
“It’s creating security for our company that didn’t exist before.”

Gerry Morison
Your company/organization/group visitor sign-in headaches are ended. stratus-io visitor check-in kiosks can be deployed anywhere. Your visitors enjoy fast & easy registration. Your employees are instantly notified when their visitor has arrived. Try stratus-io: Visitor Management today.
Get a personalized demo, try stratus-io free for 30 days, get a free RFID reader when you activate.
Eliminates Visitor Sign-In Sheets
Eliminate your sign-in sheets by digitizing your visitors sign-in process. Configure your sign-in registration to require data you care about like name, phone, email, and even their reason for visiting. You can require pictures of your visitors so you know who they are. Your visitor badges can also be printed out to easily identify them that can also be used when they checkout.
Notifies Employees When Visitors Have Arrived
During registration, your visitors can enter who they’re visiting. This information will be collected and stored in your reporting data. When your visitor completes registration, a notification is sent to the employee they’re visiting via email or text.
Be Prepared for Emergencies
The check-in system will also keep track of who is currently on-site. During an emergency, you know which visitors still need to be accounted for. You’ll appreciate how stratus-io is completely mobile. When you’re outdoors, see a complete list of visitors on-site and when they check-in to your emergency location.
See how Procore captured Employee and Visitor Usage of their shuttle systems.
With stratus-io, visitors can register themselves. Only the information you care about is displayed so visitors register quickly. Never worry about having to read someone’s handwriting. What’s more, all of your records are electronic. So you can easily search and filter through your visitor sign-in logs any time.
stratus-io is works on both Android and iOS. Use your organization existing tablets or get full kiosk hardware & software from us. Deployment is virtually instant. Work hand-in-hand with our team during setup every step of the way. Videos give you clarity for easy use of stratus-io VM. You can do this, get started today.
You can print a badge in a format of your choosing for registered visitors. Badges can have your company logo, the visitor’s picture, name, & who they’re visiting, and more if you like. Printing can be automatic when registration is complete.
Let your team use stratus-io TA to keep an accurate count of your employees or group members. Need RFID-NFC support? Easy, use stratus-io with the idChamp® brand RFID badge reader. Leverage existing badges for on-site check-in and checkout. During an emergency you have full accounting for visitors and employees.
Barcode/QR code scanners and manual check-in via search are also available.
We’re ready to help! Schedule a demo with our team to see how stratus-io can help your organization log visitor sign-in faster and more accurately.
Not ready for a demo? Give us a call at 512-994-3630 or email us at sales@serialio.com.
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