Getting Started
How to Create Custom Prompts
Hello everybody and welcome back to another stratus-io feature highlight video. My name is Ashton and today we’ll be showcasing the latest feature released in stratus-io, custom prompts. For those of you that don’t know, stratus-io is our versatile mobile attendance application. The custom prompts feature has been widely anticipated as it allows users to customize and expand both the amount and type of data that can be collected with the application as people scan in and out at RFID kiosks.
For those of you using the Cloud-In-Hand platform already, you may notice some changes to the menu in your administrative portal with this feature update, including removing legacy menus that were no longer being used and the addition of the new custom prompt configuration menu.
The custom prompt configuration settings allow you to create custom dialog boxes that appear at the time of the scan and request additional input from the person scanning in. This allows users to capture more information with their RFID attendance system than just badge data and timestamps.
When creating a custom prompt, you can name it, decide if the prompt is placed before or after the scan, choose what text is displayed in the prompt, and configure the input types. The list of user input types are as follows: Yes/No (Boolean), Picklist, Roster Look Up, Numeric, Text, and additional scan.
Here are some examples. Let’s say I am hosting an event in my workplace and I want to provide the attendees with lunch. I can create a list with the lunch options and when someone scans into the event at the beginning of the day, they can choose what they want to eat. Then, before lunch, I can review the list of lunch selections and order accordingly.
Another example might be if your organization requires people to have certain safety equipment with them before entering a work site or a specific work area. You can create a custom prompt that lists the safety items that are required and prompts the person scanning in to confirm or deny that they have the items before entering the area.
Custom prompts are meant to be flexible and configurable and we already have plans to expand the functionality of this feature in the future. Got questions? Have an idea that could make this feature even better? Reach out to us and let us know what you need. Thanks for watching.